It is... What it is

The Garden of Eden, or heaven two utopias or fantasies. Heaven was created be our ideal place of comfort and stability. We wouldn’t have to worry about any problems around us because that will ruin the point of utopia. Google’s definition of utopia is “ an imagined place or state of things in which everything is perfect.” I personally agree with the idea of utopia being almost like heaven. I see it as everybody being content with life, everybody has their place and there aren’t any misfits. When everybody has a place and purpose a lot of problems that we tend to face every day dwindle down to a smaller number. Also, the comparison to the Garden of Eden and utopia has stuck to me and isn’t going away. As many may know, the Garden of Eden was where Adam and Eve were when they ate the forbidden fruit and were punished for it afterwards as a result of their behavior. For a long Heaven and still is the place everybody wants to go. The worry free, relaxed perception we have in our ...