It was only a matter of time before I had to write a blog and I don't know where to start. We have been talking about Utopia society and how wonderful it would be if we lived in one. Thinking about a world where all of your pet peeves are gone and everything that you desire is on the palm of your hands sounds like paradise. So far, our society is far from this and we are nowhere near it. When people say Utopia they think of perfection but do we really know what perfection looks like? We have never been in a perfect society so how would we know if we are living in one, we all have different descriptions of what a perfect world would be to each one of us.
My description would wealth, safety, health, happiness, and endless curiosity. Some of these might be similar to others but it might also be different from others. This is where Utopia cease to exist. Once someone disagrees with someone else's opinion this is where it is difficult for both of them to be happy or satisfied. Although a Utopian society seems to only exist in a fictional world, there are some places where it is a possibility for a Utopian society to exist. Twin Oaks which is located in Virginia has all the commodities a person may need. They have their own government and economy. Everyone seems to always be happy and they accept anyone regardless of their ethnicity and sexual orientation and gender.
With all this in mind there might be hope for a Utopian society but then again twin oaks is not perfect and isn't perfection what a Utopian society consist of? Personally a Utopian society sounds lit but if we have everything in our hands, why even try in life? I don't want to sound so depressed by this but what keeps you going? Doesn't the feel of accomplishment or the feel of gaining something motivate you? It does to me so by taking all of that away in a Utopian society, we would have nothing to chase after (I don't mean that literally), no dreams for us to pursue. Same goes with curiosity. Yes I know I said earlier that curiosity would be in my Utopian society but would it be in yours? Just think about it (don't take too long though) are my views of Utopia the same as yours? What would you change? If you changed something then we could not picture Utopia the same way therefore we have different definitions of perfection.
We could all come to an agreement and make a Utopian society but we are bound to find something that we will dislike. So to finish this blog (about time) I don't agree that a Utopian society can exist because we all have different likes and we can't satisfy everyone's desire. I do agree (but wait there's more!) that we could live in a “perfect” world for a short period of time. Just like Szymborska’s poem says, “As if all you can do here is leave and plunge, never to return, into the depths”, we can only stay for a while or else we will get tired of it or change it completely destroying what made the society a Utopian one. To conclude this blog (and I mean it this time) a Utopian society might be a possibility but only for a short period of time.
Luis Z Word Count: 601
Work Cited: "Wislawa Szymborska - Poetry: Utopia". Nobel Media AB 2014. Web. 20 Mar 2017. <>